Corporate partner Steven Paul McSloy was quoted in Law360’s article “Tribes’ Diversity Complicates U.S. Role In Economic Growth,” published on January 19, 2016. The article focused on National Congress of American Indians President Brian Cladoosby State of Indian Nations address in Washington, D.C., which called on the federal government to enact legislation to support Tribes’ economic growth. From the article: “A lack of equal treatment on bond issues has prevented tribes from fully exploring that option for raising funds, as tribes must deal with red tape that states and local governments don’t encounter, according to Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP partner Steven P. McSloy. ‘It really does boil down to a fairness issue,’ McSloy said. ‘The smallest town in America can issue tax-exempt bonds categorically, but an Indian nation has to go through a process. That’s why we haven’t seen enough activity.’”